Package org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.providers.jaxb

package org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.providers.jaxb
  • Annotation Interfaces
    Put this on a class or parameter when you do not want the JAXB MessageBodyReader/Writer used but instead have a more specific provider you want to use to marshall the type.
    Format XML output with indentations and newlines.
    Placed on a type, method, parameter, or field to tell JAXRS not to use JAXB provider for a certain media type
    Specifies an XML stylesheet header
    Put this on a method or parameter when you want to marshal or unmarshal a collection or array of JAXB objects
    Put this on a method or parameter when you want to marshal or unmarshal a map of JAXB objects
    Sets an XML header for the returned document.