$Revision: 1.1 $
If CDI is enabled, validation will be invoked from an interceptor,
rather than from ResourceMethodInvoker and MethodInjectorImpl.
Copyright Feb 12, 2014
Throws a ResteasyViolationException if either a ConstraintViolationException or a
ResteasyConstraintViolationException is embedded in the cause hierarchy of e.
Indicates if validation is turned on for a class.
This method should be called from the resteasy-jaxrs module. It should
test if injectorFactor is an instance of CdiInjectorFactory, which indicates
that CDI is active. If so, it should return false. Otherwise, it should
return the same value returned by GeneralValidator.isValidatable().
clazz - Class to be examined
injectorFactory - the InjectorFactory used for clazz
true if and only if validation is turned on for clazz
Throws a ResteasyViolationException if either a ConstraintViolationException or a
ResteasyConstraintViolationException is embedded in the cause hierarchy of e.