RESTEasy supports (though not by default - see below) GZIP decompression. If properly configured, the client framework or a Jakarta RESTful Web Services service, upon receiving a message body with a Content-Encoding of "gzip", will automatically decompress it. The client framework can (though not by default - see below) automatically set the Accept-Encoding header to be "gzip, deflate" so you do not have to set this header yourself.
RESTEasy also supports (though not by default - see below) automatic compression. If the client framework is sending a request or the server is sending a response with the Content-Encoding header set to "gzip", RESTEasy will (if properly configured) do the compression. So that you do not have to set the Content-Encoding header directly, you can use the @org.jboss.resteasy.annotation.GZIP annotation.
public interface MyProxy {
public void put(@GZIP Order order);
In the above example, we tag the outgoing message body, order, to be gzip compressed. You can use the same annotation to tag server responses
public class MyService {
public String getData() {...}
Note. Decompression carries a risk of attack from a bad actor that can package an entity that will expand greatly. Consequently, RESTEasy disables GZIP compression / decompression by default.
There are three interceptors that are relevant to GZIP compression / decompression:
will install an InputStream
that decompresses the message body.
will install an OutputStream
that compresses the message body.
will add Accept-Encoding with the value "gzip, deflate". If the Accept-Encoding header exists but
does not contain "gzip", AcceptEncodingGZIPFilter
will append ", gzip".
Note that enabling GZIP compression / decompression does not depend on the presence of this
If GZIP decompression is enabled, an upper limit is imposed on the number of bytes
will extract from a compressed message body.
The default limit is 10,000,000, but a different value can be configured. See below.
The interceptors may be enabled by including their classnames in a
META-INF/services/ file on the classpath. The upper limit on deflated files may
be configured by setting the parameter "resteasy.gzip.max.input".
[See Section 3.4, “Configuration” for more information about application configuration.]
If the limit is exceeded on the server side, GZIPDecodingInterceptor will return a
with status 413 ("Request Entity Too Large") and
a message specifying the upper limit.
As of release 3.1.0.Final, the GZIP interceptors have moved from package
. and they should be
named accordingly in
The interceptors may be enabled by registering them with, for example, a
or WebTarget
. For example,
Client client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder() // Activate gzip compression on client:
The upper limit on deflated files may configured by creating an instance of
with a specific value:
Client client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder() // Activate gzip compression on client:
.register(new GZIPDecodingInterceptor(256))
If the limit is exceeded on the client side, GZIPDecodingInterceptor will throw a
with a message specifying the upper limit.
The designation of a compressible entity by the use of the @GZIP
annotation is a
built in, specific instance of a more general facility supported by RESTEasy. There are three components
to this facility.
is a "meta-annotation"
used on other annotations to indicate that they represent a Content-Encoding. For example, @GZIP
is defined
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
public @interface GZIP
The value of @ContentEncoding
indicates the represented Content-Encoding. For @GZIP
it is "gzip".
two DynamicFeature
in package org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.interceptors
examine resource methods for annotations decorated with @ContentEncoding
decorated annotation on a resource method, an instance of
s in package
, is registered.
They are responsible for adding an appropriate Content-Encoding header. For example,
is defined
public class ClientContentEncodingAnnotationFilter implements WriterInterceptor
protected String encoding;
public ClientContentEncodingAnnotationFilter(String encoding)
this.encoding = encoding;
public void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext context) throws IOException, WebApplicationException
context.getHeaders().putSingle(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING, encoding);
When it is created, ClientContentEncodingAnnotationFeature
passes in the value
to be used for Content-Encoding headers.
The annotation @GZIP
is built into RESTEasy, but
and ServerContentEncodingAnnotationFeature
will also recognize application defined annotations. For example,
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
public @interface Compress
public static class TestResource {
public String a() {
return "a";
If TestResource.a()
is invoked as follows
public void testCompress() throws Exception
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Invocation.Builder request ="http://localhost:8081/a").request();
Response response = request.get();
System.out.println("content-encoding: "+ response.getHeaderString("Content-Encoding"));
the output will be
content-encoding: compress