RESTEasy provides the support for validation mandated by the Jakarta RESTful Web Services, given the presence of an implementation of the Bean Validation specification such as Hibernate Validator.
Validation provides a declarative way of imposing constraints on fields and properties of beans, bean classes, and the parameters and return values of bean methods. For example, in
public class TestResource
@Size(min=2, max=4)
String s;
private String t;
public String getT()
return t;
public void setT(String t)
this.t = t;
public String post(@PathParam("u") String u)
return u;
the field s
is constrained by the Bean Validation built-in annotation @Size
to have between 2 and 4 characters, the property t
is constrained to have at least 3
characters, and the TestResource
object is constrained by the application defined
annotation @TestClassConstraint
to have the combined lengths of s
less than 5:
@Constraint(validatedBy = TestClassValidator.class)
public @interface TestClassConstraint
String message() default "Concatenation of s and t must have length > {value}";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
int value();
public class TestClassValidator implements ConstraintValidator<TestClassConstraint, TestResource>
int length;
public void initialize(TestClassConstraint constraintAnnotation)
length = constraintAnnotation.value();
public boolean isValid(TestResource value, ConstraintValidatorContext context)
boolean b = value.retrieveS().length() + value.getT().length() < length;
See the links above for more about how to create validation annotations.
Also, the method parameter u
is constrained to have no more than 5 characters,
and the return value of method post
is constrained by the built-in annotation
to match the regular expression "[a-c]+".
The sequence of validation constraint testing is as follows:
Note. Though fields and properties are technically different, they are subject to the same kinds of constraints, so they are treated the same in the context of validation. Together, they will both be referred to as "properties" herein.
If a validation problem occurs, either a problem with the validation definitions or a constraint violation,
RESTEasy will set the return header org.jboss.resteasy.api.validation.Validation.VALIDATION_HEADER
("validation-exception") to "true".
If RESTEasy detects a structural validation problem, such as a validation annotation with a
missing validator class, it will return a String representation of a
. For example
javax.validation.ValidationException: HV000028: Unexpected exception during isValid call.[org.jboss.resteasy.test.validation.TestValidationExceptions$OtherValidationException]
If any constraint violations are detected, RESTEasy will return a report in one of a variety
of formats. If one of "application/xml" or "application/json" occur in the "Accept" request header,
RESTEasy will return an appropriately marshalled instance of
public class ViolationReport
public ArrayList<ResteasyConstraintViolation> getPropertyViolations()
return propertyViolations;
public ArrayList<ResteasyConstraintViolation> getClassViolations()
return classViolations;
public ArrayList<ResteasyConstraintViolation> getParameterViolations()
return parameterViolations;
public ArrayList<ResteasyConstraintViolation> getReturnValueViolations()
return returnValueViolations;
where org.jboss.resteasy.api.validation.ResteasyConstraintViolation
is defined:
public class ResteasyConstraintViolation implements Serializable
* @return type of constraint
public ConstraintType.Type getConstraintType()
return constraintType;
* @return description of element violating constraint
public String getPath()
return path;
* @return description of constraint violation
public String getMessage()
return message;
* @return object in violation of constraint
public String getValue()
return value;
* @return String representation of violation
public String toString()
return "[" + type() + "]\r[" + path + "]\r[" + message + "]\r[" + value + "]\r";
* @return String form of violation type
public String type()
return constraintType.toString();
and org.jboss.resteasy.api.validation.ConstraintType
is the enumeration
public class ConstraintType
If both "application/xml" or "application/json" occur in the "Accept" request header, the media type is chosen according to the ranking given by implicit or explicit "q" parameter values. In the case of a tie, the returned media type is indeterminate.
If neither "application/xml" or "application/json" occur in the "Accept" request header,
RESTEasy returns a report with a String representation of each
, where
each field is delimited by '[' and ']', followed by a '\r', with a final '\r' at the end.
For example,
[size must be between 2 and 4]
[size must be between 3 and 5]
[Concatenation of s and t must have length > 5]
[Parameters must total <= 7]
[[5, 7]]
[g.<return value>]
[size must be between 2 and 4]
where the four fields are
The ViolationReport
can be reconsititued from the String
as follows:
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Invocation.Builder request =;
Response response = request.get();
if (Boolean.valueOf(response.getHeaders().getFirst(Validation.VALIDATION_HEADER)))
String s = response.readEntity(String.class);
ViolationReport report = new ViolationReport(s);
If the path field is considered to be too much server side information, it can be surpressed by setting the parameter "resteasy.validation.suppress.path" to "true". In that case, "*" will be returned in the path fields. [See Section 3.4, “Configuration” for more information about application configuration.]
The form of validation mandated by the Jakarta RESTful Web Services specification, based on Bean Validation 1.1 or greater, is supported by the RESTEasy module resteasy-validator-provider, which produces the artifact resteasy-validator-provider-<version>.jar. Validation is turned on by default (assuming resteasy-validator-provider-<version>.jar is available), though parameter and return value validation can be turned off or modified in the validation.xml configuration file. See the Hibernate Validator documentation for the details.
RESTEasy obtains a bean validation implementation by looking in the available
META-INF/services/ files for an implementation
of ContextResolver<GeneralValidator>
, where
public interface GeneralValidator
* Validates all constraints on {@code object}.
* @param object object to validate
* @param groups the group or list of groups targeted for validation (defaults to
* {@link Default})
* @return constraint violations or an empty set if none
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if object is {@code null}
* or if {@code null} is passed to the varargs groups
* @throws ValidationException if a non recoverable error happens
* during the validation process
public abstract void validate(HttpRequest request, Object object, Class<?>... groups);
* Validates all constraints placed on the parameters of the given method.
* @param <T> the type hosting the method to validate
* @param object the object on which the method to validate is invoked
* @param method the method for which the parameter constraints is validated
* @param parameterValues the values provided by the caller for the given method's
* parameters
* @param groups the group or list of groups targeted for validation (defaults to
* {@link Default})
* @return a set with the constraint violations caused by this validation;
* will be empty if no error occurs, but never {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code null} is passed for any of the parameters
* or if parameters don't match with each other
* @throws ValidationException if a non recoverable error happens during the
* validation process
public abstract void validateAllParameters(HttpRequest request, Object object, Method method, Object[] parameterValues, Class<?>... groups);
* Validates all return value constraints of the given method.
* @param <T> the type hosting the method to validate
* @param object the object on which the method to validate is invoked
* @param method the method for which the return value constraints is validated
* @param returnValue the value returned by the given method
* @param groups the group or list of groups targeted for validation (defaults to
* {@link Default})
* @return a set with the constraint violations caused by this validation;
* will be empty if no error occurs, but never {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code null} is passed for any of the object,
* method or groups parameters or if parameters don't match with each other
* @throws ValidationException if a non recoverable error happens during the
* validation process
public abstract void validateReturnValue(
HttpRequest request, Object object, Method method, Object returnValue, Class<?>... groups);
* Indicates if validation is turned on for a class.
* @param clazz Class to be examined
* @return true if and only if validation is turned on for clazz
public abstract boolean isValidatable(Class<?> clazz);
* Indicates if validation is turned on for a method.
* @param method method to be examined
* @return true if and only if validation is turned on for method
public abstract boolean isMethodValidatable(Method method);
void checkViolations(HttpRequest request);
The methods and the javadoc are adapted from the Bean Validation 1.1 classes
RESTEasy module resteasy-validator-provider supplies an implementation
of GeneralValidator
An alternative implementation may be supplied by implementing
A validator intended to function in the presence of CDI must also implement the subinterface
public interface GeneralValidatorCDI extends GeneralValidator
* Indicates if validation is turned on for a class.
* This method should be called from the resteasy-core module. It should
* test if injectorFactor is an instance of CdiInjectorFactory, which indicates
* that CDI is active. If so, it should return false. Otherwise, it should
* return the same value returned by GeneralValidator.isValidatable().
* @param clazz Class to be examined
* @param injectorFactory the InjectorFactory used for clazz
* @return true if and only if validation is turned on for clazz
public boolean isValidatable(Class<?> clazz, InjectorFactory injectorFactory);
* Indicates if validation is turned on for a class.
* This method should be called only from the resteasy-cdi module.
* @param clazz Class to be examined
* @return true if and only if validation is turned on for clazz
public abstract boolean isValidatableFromCDI(Class<?> clazz);
* Throws a ResteasyViolationException if any validation violations have been detected.
* The method should be called only from the resteasy-cdi module.
* @param request
public void checkViolationsfromCDI(HttpRequest request);
* Throws a ResteasyViolationException if either a ConstraintViolationException or a
* ResteasyConstraintViolationException is embedded in the cause hierarchy of e.
* @param request
* @param e
public void checkForConstraintViolations(HttpRequest request, Exception e);
The validator in resteasy-validator-provider implements GeneralValidatorCDI.
As mentioned above, RESTEasy validation requires an implementation of the Bean Validation specification such as Hibernate Validator. Hibernate Validator is supplied automatically when RESTEasy is running in the context of WildFly. Otherwise, it should be made available. For example, in maven